"PROTO" (2023-Current)

3D Modeling / Video Games / Digital Media

> Parameterizing

> Concept Art

> Blender Modeling ← You Are Here

> Building in UE5

> Playable Alpha Ver.

> Beta Ver.

This is a continued vision from LUCIDA with a greater focus on visual story telling.

Genres: Thriller, Exploration, Puzzle, Art, Third-Person

Platform: PC

Iteration II

Iteration I


I am generally inspired by science fiction games like Control, Prey, and Alien: Isolation, as well as the CBS TV show Person of Interest. I draw from Control in particular with its heavy use of Brutalist design philosophies, with some of my own twists.


You play as an investigator from the National Counterintelligence Program, looking into a cyber mercenary operation following clues from your informants. You hope to uncover truths regarding their criminal activities, and your informant's death.

During your exploration, you activated the superintelligence, Ether, who once served as the digital warden for the facility. How will you decide her fate? And how will her be your demise?

Puzzle Design

The following are some of my ideas for puzzles. (The images show examples of correct answers.)

1. Select the glyphs to match the positioning and magnitude of the digits.

2. Rotate pillars and reroute power to unlock nearby areas.

© 2015-24 Finn Lyu
Using Format